Zettl-Langer Collection
One of the most beautiful examples of the progressive, art-loving civic culture of the 19th century Sopron is the private collection of the Zettl-Langer family.
The Zettl family from Bavaria arrived in Kőszeg around the 1750s. The Sopron branch of the family is included in the industrial history of the town with József Zettl for founding the Spirits-Liqueur-Rum and Wine Vinegar factory in 1844. The present design of the house is due to his son. According to the diary of Gusztáv Zettl, he originally wanted to be a painter. He spent his childhood with the son of another famous Sopron family, Ferenc Storno Jr., with whom they were dreaming of an artistic career. However, on his father’s instructions, he soon had to return home to take control of the company. He himself did not become an artist, but he became the most generous patron of the town. The collection of a life is evidenced by the special antiques, that fill his former home, which serves as a museum today.
Gusztáv Zettl with his good childhood friend, Jr. Ferenc Storno was a founding member of the Sopron Fine Arts Circle, founded in 1893 (the legal predecessor of today's Sopron Fine Arts Society), and Gusztáv Zettl was its first president.
His grandson, Dr. Herbert Langer (1907-2000) listed the items of his inheritance in 1952 and turned them into a museum in 1955 making it available to the general public.
Since then, the family has been welcoming and guiding the visitors. Since 1998 the collection has been operating as a foundation, and the artistic and intellectual heritage is taken care of the great-grandson and family living here.
Opening hours:
Friday-Sunday:10 a.m-12 p.m.
Beyond the opening hours by arrangement: Phone +36 99 311-136