Sopron is located by the western border of Hungary, in the Alpine foothills, 60 km from Vienna and 220 km from Budapest. It was built amidst the Balf Hills between the Sopron Mountains and Lake Fertő, in the valley of Ikva Stream.

Road traffic
From 16 December 2020, the M85 motorway connecting Sopron to the national motorway network. The motorway is connected to the city by the following junction: Sopron-eastern junction, Balf junction, Fertőrákos junction. Sopron lies on two main roads of the Hungarian national network: road 84 in the direction of Lake Balaton and road 85 connecting Sopron with Győr and the villages in between.

Border crossing
From Austria there is a choice of following border crossings: Sopron – Klingenbach, Kópháza – Deutschkreutz, Nagycenk-Deutschkreutz, Sopronkőhida – St. Margarethen, Sopronkövesd – Nikitsch and Fertőd – Pamhagen.

By bus
You can find more information on the Volánbusz website and on the mobile application

Inter city bus schedule and travel information
Phone: +36 99/311-040 or

Local bus schedules
Timetables for local bus lines can be found HERE.
Travel information line: +36 99/311-040
Local bus MAP

By train

The inland and international railway connections of the region are highly developed thanks to constant improvements by GYSEV PLC.

Information on inland travel: +36 99 577 212
Information on regional and international travel: +36 99 577 156

When you arrive, the staff of our tourist offices will be happy to provide you with information on things to see, what’s on and what you need to know.

Tourinform Sopron
Address: 9400 Sopron, Szent György u. 2.
Phone: +36 99/ 951 975