Gloriette Lookout Tower
An outstanding attraction of Fertőboz, 12 km from Sopron is the 187-meter-high lookout tower.
During the Napoleonic Wars in October 1800, Palatine József, the leader of the county’s noble armies visited the hilltop several times to admire the beauty of the landscape in the company of Ferenc Széchényi. Ferenc Széchényi built the lookout tower made of Fertőrákos limestone to commemorate these visits.
From the centre of the village, you’ll have to climb 330 steps to reach the lookout tower, and those arriving by bicycle can access it from the settlement called Kisboz on top of the hill, to be able to enjoy a wonderful panorama.
GPS coordinates: 47 ° 38 '9.3 "N, 16 ° 41' 46.2" E