Fairy Festival

What is the Fairy Festival? What do you need to know about it if this is your first visit?

It is the celebration of fairies and elves in Sopron. More precisely: the celebration of the fairies and elves of the Lővers, the Fertő-Hanság and the Harka plains, where the local human children are also invited. And since humans live in families, a good number of adults also visit the celebration.

Wearing fairy wings and elf hats recommended!

Once the fairies and elves visit us, let’s make them happy by wearing their style of clothes for a day. All the more so, that the purpose of the whole fairy festival is precisely this: to discover the fairy or the elf in yourself.

How do you know if you have the traits of a fairy or an elf?

The signs are:

- you really like playing and laughing,

- you are also a little naughty,

- you really love to make others happy,

- you know for sure that plants and animals are your brothers, you love to be among them, you protect them if necessary,

- you often fly in your dreams,

- your smile is magical (you can easily try this)

- if butterflies and dragonflies or fireflies often land on you

- if you see a fairy or an elf even outside of the Fairy Festival

The Fairy Festival is held every June.
