Nordic walking
Nordic Walking Sopron - learn & enjoy the real Nordic Walking in Sopron!
It is highly recommended that you learn the basic moves and technique only from a professional trainer because often people fail by trying to teach themselves. More than 80% of the beginners have difficulties in establishing the real "nordic walking" walk if they try to start learning without a coach.
You can join the weekly Nordic Walking hike of our community or you can get a private lesson with András Hollósy-Gecseg, a Nordic Walking couch since 2007.
Rental poles are available too in limited number.
Tel.: +36 20 939 1036
Facebook: (only in Hungarian language)
Basic training and private course in German and English language.
FÁBER Sífutó, Botsport (Nordic walking) és Természetjáró Egyesület
(FABER Nordic Walking Association)
It is the aim of the Fáber Sports Association to exploit the natural features of the Sopron Mountains to provide opportunities for physical exercise in both winter and summer, for all who would like to move, walk and exercise in the open air.
The association in cooperation with the forestry commission strives to keep the tracks in good condition, so that beginners, amateurs and even professional sportsmen can all enjoy them.
Address: 9400 Sopron, Frankenburg út 7.
Tel.: +36 99 313 828